This page is a more human readable version of the Google Sheet put together by the DCC community.
Latest DCC RPG Quick Start Rules & Intro Adventure [Goodman Games]
Another version of the DCC RPG Quick Start Rules [Goodman Games]
Yet another DCC RPG Quick Start Rules [Goodman Games]
Original DCC RPG Quick Start [Goodman Games]
DCC RPG BETA Rules [Goodman Games]
Schnellstarter für die Stufe 0 (german) [Translation by Timo Langenscheid]
Zero-level Party Generator [Purple Sorcerer Games]
Upper-level PC generator [Purple Sorcerer Games]
Crawler's Companion [Purple Sorcerer Games]
DCC Reference Sheets [Jeremy Deram]
DCC RPG Resource Links from G+ (website format) [Julio Perez Centeno]
Guide to creating your own campaign-specific generator [Purple Sorcerer Games]
Kraken Island 0-lvl Generator [Purple Sorcerer Games]
Opposum Land 0-lvl Generator [Purple Sorcerer Games]
Punjar 0-lvl Generator [Purple Sorcerer Games]
Weird Urban 0-lvl Generator [Purple Sorcerer Games]
DCC 0-Level Character Generator (Twitter Bot) [kevinbuist]
Compact Level Zero & Hirelings Generators [Julio Perez Centeno]
0-Level Enthusiast Charts [Purple Sorcerer Games]
20 PC levels for DCC, sort of [Markus Marjomaa]
"Advanced DCC" Rules [Markus Marjomaa]
Alternate Spellburn Table [Judge Hook]
Android RPG tools list [JesterRaiin]
Complete List of DCC Modules []
Custom Spell PDF [Noah Stevens]
DCC Class Bookmarks [David Schirduan]
DCC Encounter Cards [Paul Hamblin]
DCC Judges Screen (3 panel, landscape) []
DCC Mass Combat, rough draft [Harley Stroh]
DCC Table Tents [Kev H. (Thorynn)]
Demon Generator [Purple Sorcerer Games]
Demon generator! [G+ Community]
Downtime Action Rules [Ari-Matti Piippo]
Dragon Generator [Purple Sorcerer Games]
Extended Weapon Lists [Ari-Matti Piippo]
Haggling Tool to Roleplay Merchants (online) [Julio Perez Centeno]
Hall of Lame [Ari-Matti Piippo]
Hit Locations System [Markus Marjomaa]
Improved Equipment Lists [Ari-Matti Piippo]
Improved Fumble Tables [Markus Marjomaa]
Judge's 3-panel screen insert [John Carr]
List of 3pp DCC RPG products [Marv]
List of GG DCC RPG products [Marv]
List of Lulu modules/coupon sharing proceedure [Claytonian JP]
List of Various Gods & Patrons (Petty Gods, Unknown Gods, Melnibonean, & More) [Stephen Murrish]
Magical Herbs for DCC [Ari-Matti Piippo]
Magical Research Table [Brendan Strejcek]
Mercurial Magic Generator [Purple Sorcerer Games]
Monster: The Spawn of Vilkar [KitN]
Monster: The Stinkgoblins [Ari-Matti Piippo]
Monsters: Multiple Shadow Creatures [Ari-Matti Piippo]
Mundane Monster Generator (online generator) [Julio Perez Centeno]
Pantheon Organization Chart [Ari-Matti Piippo]
Patron & Deity Demand Rules [Ari-Matti Piippo]
Patron Generation [Paul Wolfe]
Patron Template [Raskin Tellidar]
Player Finder [Jen Brinkman / All]
Poisons, specialist tools, alchemy & more [Ari-Matti Piippo]
Price Lists for Servants and Services [Ari-Matti Piippo]
Random Encounter Tables for Travel [Ari-Matti Piippo]
RANDOM STUFF CHART 1d200 (one page) [Doug Kovacs]
Seafaring Occupations [KJ O'Brien]
Scroll Generator [Purple Sorcerer Games]
Sorcerer's Grimoire Spellbook Generator [Purple Sorcerer Games]
Store Generator [Julio Perez Centeno]
Sword Magic Generator [Purple Sorcerer Games]
The Doors (a number of trapped doors for DCC) [Ari-Matti Piippo]
Thief Skill Reference Sheet [John Carr]
0-level Character Creation Cheat Sheet [Matthias Weeks]
Alternate Spellburn table [Chris Hooker]
Class Quick Sheets for New Players (the Word docs work best) [Tim Loughrist]
Class Reference Cards [Tim M.]
Class Reference Sheets [Jonathan Perkel]
Cleric Carousing Table [Markus Marjomaa]
Critical Spellcasting tables [Marc Elsnehimer]
Customizable Mighty Deeds Sheet [Bob Brinkman]
General/Warrior Carousing Table [Markus Marjomaa]
House Rule collection [Marc Elsenheimer]
Mighty Deeds Reference Sheet []
Rules Checksheet (conditions, combat bonuses, etc.) [Ari-Matti Piippo]
Spell Record Sheet [John Carr]
Thief Carousing Table [John Carr]
Thief Carousing Table [Markus Marjomaa]
Thief Skill Reference Sheet [John Carr]
What to Roll Sheet [Matthias Weeks]
Wizard Carousing Table [Markus Marjomaa]
DCC Spell Range Interpretations (incomplete) [Stephen Murrish]
Cillamar City - a campaign locus [Ari-Matti Piippo]
Dark Sun/Paranoia DCC mashup [Claytonian]
Fleshkeeper's Sect - a strange organization [Ville Rahkila]
Outland Player Reference book [Jeremy Deram]
B/X Style Editable PC sheet [Matthias Weeks]
Character sheets with Anti-Hammerspace inventory [Tamás Illés]
Crawljammer PC sheet [Tim Callahan]
Custom character sheets for core classes, 0s & items [Ari-Matti Piippo]
DCC Character Sheet Remix [Sir Robilar]
Editable PC sheets w/art [Bob Brinkman]
General PC sheet [Markus Marjomaa]
Goodman Games sheets w/art [Goodman Games]
Goodman Games Style Wizard Sheet with Spellburn Slot [Julio Perez Centeno]
Goodman Games Style Elf Sheet with Spellburn Slots [Julio Perez Centeno]
Goodman Games DCC RPG Character Sheets with Stats Damage [Julio Perez Centeno]
Greenwood Fey Soveriegn (added details, last pg free character sheet w/ art) [C. Aaron Kreader]
Hand Drawn Zero Level Sheets [J.V. West]
Hand-tooled 0-level sheet (w torch & lamp tracker) [Kirin Robinson]
Hand-tooled PC Sheet [Kirin Robinson]
Improved DCC Character Sheets [Ryan McCabe]
PC Sheet Excel Folder (in french) [Raskal]
Zip file of class PC sheets [Goodman Games]
Gongfarmer 2016 - Level 0 Character Sheet Collection [Gongfarmers ]
Aetherian Hero [Reid San Filippo]
Alice, The [Zak Z and Joshua Kubli]
Ancient Hyperborean [Ari-Matti Piippo]
LooBlood Witch [WrathOfZombies]
Canine Scientist [Bob Brinkman]
Cimmerian Barbarian [Bob Brinkman]
Deep One Half-breed [Joe Salvador]
Deep One Hybrid [Bob Brinkman]
Deep One Hybrid [Noah Stevens]
Drunken Monk [Wrath of Zombie]
Dwarven Priest [Reverend Dak Ultimak]
Dwarven Runepriest [Ari-Matti Piippo]
Elven Rogue [Reverend Dak Ultimak]
Elven Strider [Marc Elsenheimer]
Fhyrian (Cannibal Tiger Woman of Tsaru) [Paul Wolfe]
Halfling Burglar [Reverend Dak Ultimak]
Halfling Champion [Reverend Dak Ultimak]
Halfing of the Shire [Reece lastname]
Halfling Graverobber [Ari-Matti Piippo]
Human, Earth A.D. [Bob Brinkman]
Insect Men of the Lanthanide Wastes [Daniel Bishop]
Invincible Chicken [Randy Andrews]
Jungle Born, The [David Baity]
Lizardfolk (Ekrask) [Wrath of Zombie]
Lizardman Mercenary [Tim Callahan]
Martial Grandmaster [Bygrinstow]
Melnibonéan [Dieter Zimmerman]
Monk (unarmed) [Stephen Murrish]
Moon Dweller Psionicist [Noah Stevens]
Necromancer [Ari-Matti Piippo]
Orcish Space Marine [Peter Kisner]
Paladin 4 simple d9 paladin [Claytonian JP]
Petrol Head [Reid San Filippo]
Saturn Ape-Man [Daniel Bishop]
Skeleton Warrior [Taylor Frank]
Ahriman, Lord of Death [Ari-Matti Piippo]
Amun Tor, God of Mysteries and Riddles [Ari-Matti Piippo]
Aristemis, The Insightful One [Ville Rahkila]
Bailey, additions to [Hubris] [Markus Marjomaa]
Cadixtat, Chaos Titan [Ari-Matti Piippo]
Creostrax, Goddess of Excess [Ari-Matti Piippo]
The Corpulent One, additions to [Hubris] [Markus Marjomaa]
Daenthar, the Mountain Lord [Ari-Matti Piippo]
Digradia, additions to [Hubris] [Markus Marjomaa]
Ildavir, Goddess of Nature [Ari-Matti Piippo]
Justicia, Goddess of Justice and Mercy [Ari-Matti Piippo]
Lemminkäinen, the Finnic god of Fertility, Fire & War [Markus Marjomaa]
Loptir, Lord of Flame [Andrew Sternick]
Malotoch, the Carrion Crow God [Ari-Matti Piippo]
Morgon, the God of Torture and Bodily Fluids [Ville Rahkila]
Nimulurun, God of Disease and Filth [Ari-Matti Piippo]
Pelagia, Goddess of the Sea [Ari-Matti Piippo]
Shul, God of the Moon [Ari-Matti Piippo]
Ulesh, God of Peace [Ari-Matti Piippo]
List of Various, fairly comprehensive, including Petty & Unknown Gods [Stephen Murrish]
The Bog God's Champion (Level 1-3) [Paul Wolfe]
Death by Nexus Play Aids [Matthias Weeks]
Escape from Innsmouth [David Baity]
Fate of the Ruthless Wizard (0 Level) [Marc Elsenheimer]
The Ifrit's Chosen (Level 1-2 solo) [Paul Wolfe]
The Meat Grinder (0-level) [Eldrad Wolfsbane]
The Meat Grinder Too (Level 1) [Eldrad Wolfsbane]
The Muck Pit (levels 0-2) [KitN]
Mushroom Kingdom Classics (0-Level) [KJ O'Brien]
Operation: Jekkara [Bob Brinkman]
Palace of Alkmeenon [David Baity]
The Princess and the Barrister [Ari-Matti Piippo]
The Serpentpeople of Skiterborne Swamp (Level 1) [Mark Knights]
Something's Sleeping in Farmer Buck's Barn (0-1 level mini module) [Julio Perez Centeno]
Soul of the Serpent King (level 2) [Jürgen Mayer]
Steading of the Nergalites (1-2 level) [Paul Wolfe]
The Tribe of Ogg and the Gift of Suss (0-level) [Daniel Bishop]
The Vault of Future Past [Ari-Matti Piippo]
DCC Master Zine Index [Jon Hershberger]
Gongfarmer's Almanac [Various]
Basements and Drakes [Matthias Weeks]
Crawling under a Broken Moon Fanzine [Reid San Filippo]
Crawljammer Fanzine [Tim Callahan]
DCC Trove of Treasures [Daniel J. Bishop]
Kill It With Fire DCC Posts [Claytonian]
Lawful. Not Necessarily Good... [Jen Brinkman]
Metal Gods of Ur-Hadad Zine [Adam Muszkiewicz, Edgar Johnson]
Mystic Bull Games [Paul Wolfe]
Out of Curiosity [Marc Elsenheimer]
People Them With Monsters [Jeremy Deram]
Raven Crowking's Nest [Daniel J. Bishop]
Reddit's DCC RPG Subreddit [Various]
Rumgecrawle (german) [Timo Langenscheid]
The Drain Chamber (art & crap) [Doug Kovacs]
The Hapless Henchman [Noah Stevens]
Loptir's Firewater [Ari-Matti Piippo]
Multiple Magical Bone Daggers [KitN/various]
The Eye of Obitu-Que [Matthias Weeks]
The Bone Flute of Zalmoxes [Ari-Matti Piippo]
The Rod of Power [Ari-Matti Piippo]
Ring of Gelatinous Form [Stephen Murrish]
Campaign Chronicle - Prodigies of Erayo [Ari-Matti Piippo]
DCC Playlist of Righteousness (Background music) [Thomas Kinzer]
Field Guide to Giant Man-Apes [Bob Brinkman]
Meevin's Tome of Oddities and Wonderments [Stephen Murrish]
Roguelike Fountains (Crawl! supplement) [Thom Hall]
Sanctum Secorum: Dark Acquisitions [Sanctum Media]
Tablesmith Generators [Paul Wolfe]
Wizardarium of Calabraxis Addenda [Stephen Murrish]
Additions to Nebin Pendlebrook's Perilous Pantry [Stephen Murrish]
Breathe Un-Life [Ari-Matti Piippo]
Daog's Healing Touch [Jeff Goad]
Edvard's black tentacles [Chris Sidhe (Dra8er)]
Eippuz' Contraceptive Conjuration [Markus Marjomaa]
Forlorn Encystment [Markus Marjomaa]
Imbue the Stone [Jen Brinkman]
Mists of Yyrkoon [David Baity]
Phandaal's Gyrator [Markus Marjomaa]
AKAS, the Interstellar Jailer [Paul Wolfe]
A Thing from the Between-Spaces [Ari-Matti Piippo]
Chromatic Court, The [Bob Brinkman]
Dimensional Dogs [Forrest Aguirre ]
Friggseth, the Seed in the Earth [Ari-Matti Piippo]
Hidden Lord, God of Secrets [Ari-Matti Piippo]
List of modules/adventures with patrons [Various]
Myrddin, Spirit of the Pits [Paul Wolfe]
Narrimunth, Spawnmother of Rats [Ari-Matti Piippo]
Ronco, Lord of Inventions [Stephen Murrish]
Sargon the Catlord [Noah Stevens]
Shammat, Lady of Cats [Stephen Murrish]
Star Child, The [Andrew Branstad]
Trisdeus, the Tri-God [David Fisher]
Tzashazul, the Dimensional Terror [Marc Elsenheimer]