Compact Level Zero & Hirelings Generators

Compact Level 0s

This section generates level 0 characters with the standard DCC RPG occupations. There are 6 characters per page.

You can find the original Level 0 generator with more options at Purple Sorceror.

Number of pages:

Hirelings & Sellswords

This section generates hirelings with the standard DCC RPG occupations and mercenaries for hire. There are 10 characters per page. The optional bio section will appear on the back side of the page.

Number of pages:

Show hireling name: | Use hireling bio:

Hireling or Sellswords:

Advanced Generator: Custom Level 0s and Hirelings (Experimental)

This section can generate level 0s and hirelings using custom occupations, weapons, and items. You need to enter at least one line of information.

Separate each occupation with a breakline. Separate each component of the occupation with a semicolon (;). If you're making hirelings, you only need to enter the first three components. Use the keywords 'Dwarven', 'Elven', 'Halfling' for each race. If a weapon is ranged and uses agility instead of strength, use (ranged) in the weapon name.

The order of items are as follows:

Occupation; Weapon; Weapon Damage Die; Items

Wereowlbear; Spiky mace; d6; Heirloom hat
Android; Laser Eyes (ranged); d4; Robotic rat

Number of pages:

Hireling Specific Settings:

Front page: Show hireling name: | Show armor name:

Back page: Show hireling bio & stats: | Show hireling age:

Hireling's Combat Strength:

Hireling Icon:

Alternative Hireling Icons:

DCC skull

DCC buckle








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