Dungeon Crawl Classics RPG
One Page Spellbook Generator


Intelligence: Applies to wizards & elves only

Luck Modifier: Affects Clerics' Turn Unholy, Wizards/Elves' mercurial roll.

This page creates a simple one-page spell book for level 1 clerics, wizards, and elves. It is designed for:

  • new players, as to not overload them with too much information
  • tables that like to keep things simple
  • quickly generated characters that can go straight into action
  • judges who want to keep a few sheets handy to speed up the leveling process
  • characters you expect to die so quickly, printing a lot of pages just isn’t worth it (this is DCC RPG, after all).

If you want a more detailed spell book, visit Purple Sorcerer’s Sorcerer's Grimoire DCC Spellbook Utility.

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