When coming up with monsters or converting monsters from different system, it’s always tricky to determine a starting point. The following charts are meant to help you get started.
Determine the monster’s Hit Die and threat level and look them up below. You can then modify individual stats to the flavor of the monster.
Select Threat Level:
Hit Die (most likely 1d8) |
Hit Points (or roll) |
Initiative: | Atk / Dmg Bonus | Armor Class | Spell Bonus (if applicable) |
Action Dice | Saves (first being their best at) |
Saves Against (ordered by difficulty) |
1d8 | 4 | +1 | +1 / +0 | 11 | +2 | 1d20 | (1, 1, 0) | (15, 12, 10, 7, 3) |
2d8 | 9 | +2 | +2 / +1 | 12 | +3 | 1d20 | (2, 1, 1) | (16, 13, 11, 8, 4) |
3d8 | 13 | +2 | +2 / +1 | 12 | +3 | 1d20 | (2, 1, 1) | (16, 13, 11, 8, 4) |
4d8 | 18 | +3 | +3 / +1 | 13 | +4 | 1d20 | (3, 2, 1) | (17, 14, 12, 9, 5) |
5d8 | 22 | +4 | +4 / +2 | 14 | +5 | 1d20, 1d14 | (4, 3, 1) | (18, 15, 13, 10, 6) |
6d8 | 27 | +5 | +5 / +2 | 15 | +6 | 1d20, 1d16 | (5, 3, 1) | (19, 16, 14, 11, 7) |
7d8 | 31 | +6 | +6 / +3 | 16 | +7 | 1d20, 1d16 | (6, 4, 2) | (20, 17, 15, 12, 8) |
8d8 | 36 | +6 | +6 / +3 | 16 | +7 | 2d20 | (6, 4, 2) | (20, 17, 15, 12, 8) |
9d8 | 40 | +7 | +7 / +3 | 17 | +8 | 2d20 | (7, 5, 2) | (21, 18, 16, 13, 9) |
10d8 | 45 | +8 | +8 / +4 | 18 | +9 | 2d20 | (8, 5, 2) | (22, 19, 17, 14, 10) |
Save values are ordered from best to worse. Determine which Save your creature is best at (Fort, Ref, Will) and give it the first value, and go down into their worst.
Saves against is the save value PCs must make against whatever skill the monster have (poison, sleep, paralysis).
Decide how difficult the save needs to be (very hard, hard, normal, easy, very easy) and use the value indicated.